5 Things I Have Learned: Travel Edition

I just returned from a four-day getaway for a family event clear on the other side of the country.  While I had a great time, I also learned quite a bit about my "homestead-light" journey and how important this new chapter has been on my wellbeing.  Let me explain further with five key takeaways!

  1. There is a time and place for everything.  My need for the "homestead" routines was further reinforced while away the past four days (more on that soon), and I also strongly believe that there is a time and place for everything.  I'm not a believer in cutting things out completely, especially when it isn't harmful to yourself and others, and that there is joy in being present with others in different ways.  While we ate differently than I would have had I been home and were living and moving at a pace way faster than I have begun to love, I still enjoyed every moment eating with family, trying foods that are favorites to the city we were visiting, and living in the present moment with those I love.  There is truly a time and place for everything.

  2. The pace in which I move is critical to my wellbeing.  I also discovered, now having come back from an area that has a very busy culture (people were driving 30mph over the speed limit…and that is normal!), that I truly do thrive at a slower and more relaxed pace.  I've done the 'hustle and bustle' for many years, and my body needs the peace and pause at this stage of life.  My body is physically, mentally, and emotionally drained from the wildly busy time, but my heart is full from seeing everyone.

  3. My body can tell the difference.  Beyond the need for a slower pace, my body can truly tell the difference between the foods I'm making at home and the foods I had while traveling.  While the food I had traveling was still very delicious (and, again, there is a time and place for moderation), I noticed a change in my energy levels, my digestion, my skin, and my sleep patterns based on the change in food routines.  I'm thankful for the new foods I had a chance to try while in a place that was new to me, and I simultaneously looked forward to returning to my kitchen and prepping my fridge and freezer meals now that I am home.

  4. Routine is something I love - but not a rigid, scheduled routine.  This sounds confusing, right?  As you may have seen in previous posts, I work in the mental health and public health sectors and I work very long and fast paced days.  It is quite hectic and can be very draining, although equally very rewarding.  Since my work-life is fast paced and hectic, I like my vacations and time off to not feel scheduled and wildly busy.  My introvert self needs some time to relax and recharge.  In saying that, routine is also very important to me.  I like to get up (unscheduled), use my therapy light or get sunlight while enjoying some decaf tea or decaf coffee, making a healthy breakfast, getting my body moving, etc. on a somewhat set rhythm.  I like to have my people, my sweet puppy (oh, how I missed her), and my household things near without feeling out of place if I forgot something.  So, while I do not enjoy having a schedule while away, the routine is so helpful for me and something I definitely missed while away.

  5. It is okay to pause - even after your time away.  I will admit, I'm the first person to recommend and encourage time away, but I'm the last one who tends to take that advice.  Being away from work can be hard for me - especially since I have chosen to not keep my work email on my phone for the sake of work/life balance and boundaries.  What if someone needs me?  What if an important email comes through and I missed it?  WHAT IF?!  However, everything will be fine at work and I have an amazing team I work with.  Work will be there when I return.  What does this have to do with a pause after time away?  I knew that these past four days were going to be very busy and long.  14+ hours of people per day and nonstop activities and socializing.  So, I chose to take an additional two days off work when I returned home to recharge my personal battery and recoup.  I will then be able to return to work on Wednesday and to my daily routine at my best with that additional time off. (Side note: I’m posting this message almost 36 hours after returning home, and I came home sick. After 7 negative COVID tests, since I have to be careful around family, and checking with a provider, my body is just rebounding from the lack of sleep and busy schedule and is otherwise all good. Simply further representation of how important it is to take care of our mind and body!)

To sum things up, this past trip truly reiterated how much I value family time, and how much it should be cherished, as well as the power of taking care of our wellbeing; however that may look for you and for me. It is different for all of us! Now that I’m back home, I’m working on getting back to my routine, meal prepping fridge and freezer meals/foods to get back on track, and I am back to my wellbeing habits. I’m writing this wrap-up from the backyard with my decaf tea and some direct sunlight while listening to relaxing music. What a beautiful end to a beautiful trip!


High Protein Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad


Fall Bingo Activity with Downloadable PDF!